Meditation is one of the most efective methods for raising consciousness

Meditation is a unique state of awareness, triggered by a reaction in the nervous system, where the body relaxes deeply while the mind remains alert. As well, metabolism drops, brain waves slow down (Alpha) and, like hypnosis, we become more receptive and more responsive to suggestion. Regular meditation has a cumulative effect and, for most people, it significantly improves overall performance and well-being.

To learn more about Meditation, click on the Free recordings below.

Free Meditation Recordings

Just click on the titles and you can listen, download, save and/or share with others.

What is Meditation? (4:00)

This short recording is intended to clarify what meditation is and clear up some of the myths about it.

Why Meditate? (2:30)

In this recording, I outline some of the many benefits that are derived from a practice of regular meditation.

How to Meditate (11:26)

This recording explains how to induce the meditative state and what you can do once in it.

FAQs about Meditation (6:41)

Some of the more frequently asked question about meditation are answered here.

A Guided Meditation (Ball of Light), With Instructions (31.23)

Many prefer to listen to someone else’s voice in order to get into a meditative state. This recording provides a guided meditation script along with instructions for following it.

A Guided Meditation (Ball of Light), Without Instructions (17:51)

Once you have heard recording #5, you won’t need any instructions for following this guided meditation. So here it is again, without the instructions.

Student Testimonials

“I have noticed that I can stay calm more often in stressful situations. I am also getting a 90% in Math and I attribute this to meditation because, in my entire life, the highest mark that I had ever received in Math was 60%.”

“I had suffered from insomnia for so many years that I would say it was a chronic condition for me. After Peter’s meditation course, I was able to put myself to sleep in less than a minute of meditation. It feels like it has been a life saver.”

“Practical, ‘hands-on’. Extremely enjoyable. The only course I’ve really looked forward to attending in a long time. Thank you!”

“Excellent information presented in an inclusive manner. Peter was open, thoughtful and would give enthusiastic historical information background.”

“This is an excellent way for professionals to relieve stress and tension.”

“Very well organized. Comfortable environment that was non-judgmental and allowed me to relax. Great resource materials. Openness to group questions. I wish it was a few more sessions. Many, many thanks! “

“I was impressed with the organization and format of each session. It was focused and well delivered. I found so many of the topics that were touched on to be extremely interesting. Thanks so much for this experience – it was informative and very enjoyable. Great Handouts.”

“I strongly recommend this meditation course to anyone interested in self-improvement. I have learned tools that have kept me more focused and effective in both my business and personal life.”

“Peter’s meditation course got me `hooked’ on meditation. No longer is meditation something I feel I should be doing, it’s an activity I look forward to all day, especially after the kids have gone to bed.”

“This introductory course in meditation provides you with the fundamentals necessary to improve the quality of both your business and personal life.”

“This meditation course is fantastic. In a few short weeks I learned how to listen to my inner voice and accept it. Meditating is such a positive energizer. I feel more alive!!!”

“I am now calmer and do not react to negative stimuli as quickly, e.g. traffic, noise, children. My thinking is clearer when planning and dealing with objectives. I also have fewer cravings for sweets and snacks when under stress.”

“This has definitely influenced my life and I very much want to have it as a part of my life. I have found that it is going to help me in areas that I had not anticipated, e.g. to let go and to not always try to control. The course was very well executed, in a relaxed manner.”

“I am better able to sleep, am more relaxed and am able to calm down faster when upset. I found the course very beneficial and meditation very easy to learn.”

“I attribute commencing and following my jogging program largely to the meditation classes. The ability to use meditation techniques to internalize and then realize goals is a benefit that I will enjoy for a long time to come.”

“Calmness, more energy, patience. Helpful for professions dealing with many people, e.g. teachers, nurses, customer service people. I enjoyed the change of pace and relaxed atmosphere, and the open attitude of the other participants.”

“Increased sense of inner peace, reduction in tension, a great tool that I feel helps when I feel stress building. Very enjoyable course. The pace was relaxing and renewing. I liked the idea that goal setting can be part of meditation – a bonus for the time invested. Our students need this course.”

“A great half hour a day investment in good physical and mental health. Relieves stress and increases patience when practiced regularly. A good introduction to Meditation – What it is, how to do it, what it will and won t do for you.”